Just a brief update today. The one moment this week that stands out was Friday morning. Since we had an assembly that was going to keep me from even seeing my 2nd period, I chose a "lighter" assignment for the kids to accomplish. I had each students choose a character from "The Crucible" and they had to create an imaginary Facebook page for them. Simple, fun, creative, and a good place to be on homecoming Friday
What I was NOT expecting was for Taelyn to be on Facebook that morning and in the middle of my trying to instruct my class, I get a message that begins: Hey Monkeybutt!"
Needless to say it was a fun day with a few awkward revelations. Among them were the following: I'm teaching juniors. Kayla is their age. Taea is only FOUR years younger! I cannot imagine how Eron must feel being her FATHER, when I want to scream when I hear these boys asking questions about My Squeaker!
Our vocabulary word Friday was Inconceivable. More then fitting.
Ok, that was too funny! Also, I miss you.