Sunday, October 2, 2011

Not the First.

Saturday morning, as I sat here catching up on what my TiVo recorded for me last week, grounds keepers for my apartment complex were working outside my window.  Hedges were clipped, lawn was mowed, sidewalks were swept, leaves were raked.  My nose was running, my eyes were itching, and I was sneezing like a possessed Ewok.  An hour later, after they were done, everything was fine and back to normal.  While I've not been tested for allergies, I think I can now safely I may have some, and I suspect what I might be allergic to: Lawn care products.  I'm leaning toward Weed Wackers.  Never trusted them.

I love General Conference weekend.  I find it usually comes about at the exact time I need a recharge.  It's funny how I was feeling in a great place earlier in the week, and then like crap for the past few days.  Anyone surprised that I figured out why I was feeling this way as I watched conference?  I love getting answers from God and the leaders of His church.

I spoke to Brien a few days ago, and he sounds happy.  I spoke to mom yesterday morning, and she promised to call me back this afternoon.  A number of key characters returned to Days this past week, so I recorded them for her, burned them to a DVD, and mailed them out yesterday.  I'm hoping she hasn't seen them yet.  Spoke with Eron for a few minutes, just before he and his family were heading out to pick some apples.  Apples rock.  But such made me recall this summer as Kris and I, with the kids and Mark and Monica's family, went to pick Strawberries.   What a great summer.  I miss those comfortable, lazy days, with cool temperatures and clouds in the sky, with my favorite girls.  And T.

One of the highlights of that day was when we went back to the general store and they had a sandbox.  But this was no ordinary sandbox.  Rather than being filled with sand, it was filled with peas!  I'm not sure what they did to the peas to make them hard and not soft and nasty, but it was way cool.  We buried Taea, so all we could see was her face.  Can you find her?

Of course we tried to do the same thing to T after his sister, and as you can see from the look on his face, this was NOT his favorite moment of the day.  If you get a chance, ask him and his sister's about Brownie and Blackie.  I think they were the highlight of that day.

Before we left, the kids mostly buried me, and then I got to pose for a picture with all the gorgeous ladies that were there with me.  It's okay, you can be jealous.  You're not the first.

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