Sunday, October 16, 2011


It was my goal when I first started this blog to always have a picture to post with my weekly update.  The thing is, this week the biggest events were all church related, and there just aren't a lot of church pictures to include.  So here's my latest update, without pics.

Just a few weeks ago I was called as the second counselor in out Elder's Quorum.  I'm working with some great guys and I can testify with boldness of how my life has been blessed and improved due to this service.  Tuesday of this week we had a meeting scheduled, one that we had been told was a leadership training, and we expected it would be a brief meeting with a member of the Stake Presidency.  Rather, the meeting was in the chapel with a large group of people I was unfamiliar with.  Long explanation short, 5th ward had been asked to help in a project for Stake Conference, and since those numbers were short and my Elder's Quorum President is the son of our Stake Presidency's 1st counselor, we were asked to assist, although we're in the 2nd ward.

So Tuesday night was 2.5 hours of walking through a scripted role-play of what "should" happen in a highly effective Ward Council.  I was given the role of Sunday School President, which as you can imagine meant I had very few lines, and we moved from our council, to presidency meetings, to meeting with members and then back for another ward council meeting a week later.  The emphasis here was all on the aspect of, "Return and Report."

Our Stake President was confident in what we had here, and encouraged that with the Spirit to help us, this would be effective.  I did my best to participate, offered only a few suggestions (if THAT's not progress in growing up, nothing is!) and when we came back to rehearse Thursday night, I brought essays to grade while I waited.

Yesterday was the afternoon of the big event.  I arrived at 2:30 for things to start at 3, and believe it or not, it went really well.  Our Stake President himself took a more active role than I had foreseen, starting with encouraging members that if they stayed awake, didn't play with their phones, and really sought for the Spirit, this would be effective.  He also became narrator of sorts, helping us transition from one scene to the next, adding insight and a surprising amount of positive quips; the man's words honestly kept the event fun and entertaining.  It was impressive.

In fact, this was my first time working with the Stake President, as he'd only been called 4-5 months ago.  As he spoke at the Adult Session of Stake Conference last night, I was really impressed with his talk.  He has amazing counselors, and the Spirit was so present.  There were a lot of tears last night as the Spirit confirmed his message, as songs were sung, and even his counselor's gave amazing talks  If every Stake Conference were as engaging as last night was, the entire membership would look as forward to them as they go General Conference.  It was astounding.  I'm honestly looking forward to what the General Session will bring this morning.  I'm even going to get there early.

One last side note.  It was interesting that when our role-playing was done yesterday afternoon, as the Stake President moved back to the front of the room talking through his lapel-mic, he asked me to stand.  I was surprised, but complied.  He then further surprised me.  Now, this comment was either due to the impressiveness of the written character I'd just portrayed, or the impressiveness of my portrayal, but he commented, "Bishops, do you see this man?  He's for rent if any of you need him!"

Is there a future in acting just at Stake Conference?  :)

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